Home Tiny Home


My home ix extremely tiny - this little studio is only 525 square feet, and I couldn't find it more charming.  After living with roommates and boyfriends, it's lovely to have my own place.  Everything can always be found where I lef it.  I don't find out that I don't have enough milk in the middle of whipping up a recipe.  I never have to fight for the t.v.    No one is annoyed by my singing or gives me a weird look when I dance in my underwear.  I won't lie, I can get mighty lonely sometimes - but now I have Fitzgerald to cure a tiny bit of that.  Here are some bits and pieces of my home lately:

toasting pine nuts for pesto
a banner that reminds me of what's important
the Swedish alphabet near my front door
above my bed
fireplace + brick wall
my new favorite thing: record player
dining area
sugar + flour + herbs
kitchen window

19 Things to Stop Doing in Your 20's


Someone shared this article on Twitter today, and I needed to save it here for future reading because it's just plain good advice and sense for any stage or your life.

In the Middle

Lately I've been very happy over nothing in particular.  After spending so much of my life living in highs and lows, I've finally reached equilibrium.  I don't let small disappointments and frustrations sway me in quite the same way anymore, and I take great pleasure in the simple joys of life.  I take time to watch the sunrise, reflect on my blessings, and enjoy where I am in my life.


One thing that has brought me great happiness has been cooking - trying new recipes never ceases to delight me, although I do wish I had someone to share a meal with sometimes (really, I just want a big guy to come over and eat my mountains of left overs because I'm nearly out of tupperware).  I recently inherited my parent's old food processor and I can't remember the last time I was so excited about anything (I made pesto the first day I had it home).


I've also been enjoying my family.  On Sunday, I picked up my brother and we spent the day at Disneyland. We get along incredibly well considering our 9 year age gap (he's 15-years-old, and a sophomore in high school).  I obviously love my brother - but I must say, I quite like him too.  We pride ourselves on the fact that we're the funny ones in the family, and he had me laughing so much this weekend.  He's incredibly sensitive - but not overly so.  He's got a strong sense of justice.  He is thoughtful, caring, loving, and pretty witty.  He is musically-inclined (we may have been listening to and singing along with the Pitch Perfect soundtrack the entire car ride), creative, and athletic.  Nico is such a blessing in my life and I'm so proud of the man he's becoming.  I find his character to be a reflection of my parents, who I'm so grateful to have in my life.  I hope I can parent a child that possesses such great qualities.  I got pretty damn lucky when it comes to family.

Rainy Day in the Pumpkin Patch


My sister texted me this week asking if I would take some photos of her and her classmates at a pumpkin patch this weekend, to celebrate their senior year homecoming.  Being a big sister, how could I say no?  They were a fun, gorgeous group of kids.  Unfortunately, it was raining slightly and it was pretty cloudy but I did my best to get some good shots - here's a sampling:

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